Over 80 years ago, this recipe was given to my grandma by a lady from East Chinnock in Somerset.
10oz self-raising flour
6oz butter
6oz caster sugar
3oz currants
1 egg
½ – 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
A little milk and extra sugar
Oven 325F, fan assisted oven 145C Gas Mark 3. Cook 15-20 mins (check after 10 mins) until pale gold.
Mix flour and nutmeg, rub in the butter until like breadcrumbs. Add sugar and currants. Make a well (hollow) in the centre of the mixture. Put in the beaten egg and mix to a firm paste. Knead well. No more liquid must be added.
Roll out, cut into 3½” rounds with fluted cutter.
Place on greased baking tray, prick all over with a fork, brush with a little milk. Optional – sprinkle with a little extra sugar. Chill for 5-10 mins.
Bake. Then put on a wire rack to cool.
Julia Foot